The spring months are here when we all enjoy spending more time outdoors. Mosquitoes and ticks unfortunately can get in the way of our enjoyment of the outdoor activities. These pests are not only annoying, they spread diseases that can become harmful to your health with just one bite.  Contact Plank Pest for help! We can create a customized program for your home and yard to help control the mosquito and tick population in your yard all season long.

In the meantime, here are a few simple steps that can help to protect you from tick and mosquito bites:

  • Limit your time outdoors during heavy mosquito activity – dawn (early morning) and dusk (early evening) and evening hours.
  • Keep the grass around your home or business cut short.
  • Eliminate standing water around your home or business.
  • Use insect repellant when spending time outdoors, being careful to follow the manufacturers direction for use.  Some insect repellants are not safe for skin and best used on clothing.
  • Wear light-colored clothing, with long sleeves and long pants. Light colors, such as white, pink, beige, khaki, and yellow, reflect heat., so mosquitoes are less likely to notice these shades. Light colors are also easier to spot ticks that may be crawling on your clothing.
  • When coming in from outdoor activities, be sure to check for ticks, and remove carefully and quickly.  Always make sure to remove the head of the tick completely.